InfoDay – Job Profiles in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Do you want to know what career options you have in the industry? Are you maybe still torn between the more patient-oriented MSc in Pharmacy or the more drug-oriented MSc in Drug Sciences? Do you have questions on what steps to take after your studies are complete?

Then SAVE THE DATE and take the opportunity to attend the Career Path afternoon organized by the Swiss Society of Industrial Pharmacists (GSIA).

In a series of talks you can gather inspiration, listen to the stories of Pharmacists working in the industry and ask questions. Find details in the program.

The event is planed with 3rd year students in mind – but anyone is welcome.

If you have any questions, the Study Coordination of the Department will be happy to help you and look forward to seeing you at the GSIA Career Path event!

Dieser Beitrag wurde unter Allgemein, BSc-JK1, BSc-JK2, BSc-JK3, MSc Drug Sciences, MSc Pharmazie 22-24, MSc Pharmazie 23-25, MSc Pharmazie 24-26, Uncategorized veröffentlicht. Setzen Sie ein Lesezeichen auf den Permalink.