Test the new version of our examination software (BeAxi) on iPad!

Dear students,

Your first Drug Sciences exams are coming up shortly and many of them will be taken on an iPad (cp. examination schedule on our website). For these exams we will use the new version of our examination software «BeAxi» – BeAxi 11. The new version features a complete redesign of the user interface.

So wether you are new to e-assessments or already very familiar with it, we would like to give you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the new BeAxi examination software. 4 devices will be made available at the following times:

Monday, 21.10.2019 von 8.15 – 17.30 Uhr
Tuesday, 22.10.2019 von 8.15 – 11.00 Uhr
Thursday, 24.10.2019 von 7.15 – 16.00 Uhr
Monday, 28.10.2019 von 8.15 – 17.30 Uhr
Tuesday, 29.10.2019 von 8.15 – 11.30 Uhr

The devices are located in office 0062 in the «Kragenbau» of the Pharmacenter.

No prior registration is required, but in the case of high interest there may be waiting times.

A demo to the software can be downloaded for free on iTunes. Here you will also find a short introduction (written in German).

We wish you all the best for your examinations.
Study Coordination Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

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