PhD Funding opportunity for graduated students

Dear Students

Please find the following information about a funding opportunity for a PhD project:

The Swiss 3R * Competence Center  (Swiss 3CC) provides a Funding opportunity for potential PhD candidates for a project in the field of the 3Rs, the “3RCC Doctorate Programme” (*3Rs Principle meaning: Replace, Reduce, Refine related to methods in animal based experimental research). The funding will be 280k CHF for a maximum programme duration of four years. The funding is intended for students, who finished their (under)graduate studies to start a PhD project in a research lab in Switzerland. Applicants should provide an outline application about the intended 3Rs project. Eight applicants will be selected for full application. Applicants can already indicate a supportive research group/lab, where they would like to conduct their PhD, or the 3RCC will help finding an adequate research group in Switzerland. For all details, eligibility of projects and how to apply please see the attachment and visit the announcement on the 3RCC Website/Funding.

Application deadline: 29th May 2022

Project start (expected): January 2023

Contact:             Anke Rohlfs, Coordinator 3R Uni Basel (

                              Swiss 3RCC –

Best regards,

Anima Schäfer
On behalf of Anke Rohlfs, Coordinator 3R Uni Basel

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