Unibas Covid-19 Measures [SURVEY] – What was your experience?

Dear students,

if you would like to help a fellow student find out more about how students perceived the Covid-19 measures at the University of Basel, please see the message and questionnaire link below.

Dear Unibas student, 

I am a fellow student writing a seminar paper on students› views on the University of Basel’s Covid-19 measures – and I would like to know what your experience has been!  Over the past two years, the university has implemented several measures because of the coronavirus. These measures have influenced the daily lives and studies of every student. I would like to know more about how you feel/felt about these measures and kindly ask you to participate in my online survey. It will take about 10 min.  

To take the survey, press the following link: 
Students› Views on Unibas Covid-19 Measures 

Your participation is very important for my studies and I would like to thank you in advance!  If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best wishes, Nina Merkofer

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