English for Science NEW

Using scientific jargon in spoken and written texts, like communicating professionally with colleagues and non-scientists, demand special skills beyond everyday language use. In this course you train your scientific communication skills, using current authentic publications and presentations from academic and professional contexts. You build vocabulary and develop the analytic reading, listening, speaking and writing skills necessary to actively participate in university courses and research as well as interact effectively with others in the workplace. The course offers you plenty opportunity to develop confidence and fluency when speaking to others about current scientific topics. It also offers you ample training in turning what you read, hear and think into scientific writing that is correct, clear and convincing.

Some of the oral and written skills we will cover include:
– presenting a problem and how it could be addressed
– interpreting, describing and summarizing data
– describing complex cause-and-effect relations
– recounting processes and methods clearly and accurately
– analyzing, discussing and presenting results in a persuasive but rigorous manner.

Target group

This course is suited to students studying any of the natural sciences from bachelor upwards.

Lecturer: This course is taught by Kumiko Masai, PhD. After studying in North America and Japan, she worked as a postdoc at the Biozentrum and then later in the pharmaceutical industry for several years. She has been teaching with the Language Center of the University of Basel for several years.

You can get a total of 2 credit points for this course.

For further information and registration, please go to the Language Center website.

Registration is possible until Monday 19 September 2022. In case of questions do not hesitate to contact us info-sprachenzentrum@unibas.ch

Dieser Beitrag wurde unter BSc-JK2, BSc-JK3, MSc Drug Sciences, MSc Pharmazie 21-23, MSc Pharmazie 22-24, PhD veröffentlicht. Setzen Sie ein Lesezeichen auf den Permalink.