Possible Master thesis in Berne

Dear students,

I was asked to post a possible Master thesis for Master Drug Sciences students which will take place in Berne. It would ideally start in summer 2023. This is a short summary of the topic:

The prevalence of childhood obesity rapidly increasing worldwide and is often carried through into adulthood. Preventing obesity in this age group provides a unique opportunity to halt a course to unhealthy adult life. The aim of this study is thus to assess the effect of a microbiome-targeted chewing gum containing galactooligosaccharides on body weight, metabolism, and the oral and intestinal microbiomes in a population of obese children and adolescents. The aim of the master thesis is to support the clinical study from recruitment to analysis of first samples.

In case of interest, please contact Valentina Huwiler (valentina.huwiler@extern.insel.ch) directly.

Best regards,

Prof. Christoph Meier

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