It’s a Match! Job Interview Training

Dear students, Dear doctoral students

The end of your studies or doctorate is approaching? And you are about to apply for a new job? Or you are generally interested in practicing your interview skills? Start preparing for upcoming job interviews now by taking part in our Interview Training.

What are the benefits of taking part?

  • You have the opportunity to practice your interview skills in a protected, simulated environment.
  • You receive individual feedback (verbally and in written format) that will help you to identify your strengths and potential for development and growth.
  • You have the opportunity to complete further personnel selection procedures (personality and intelligence test)
  • We offer a CV-check (optional)

What are the requirements for participation?

  • You speak English or German (fluent), and have access to a computer with a webcam and a stable internet connection
  • You are currently working or you have been working at some point in the past six months for at least 30% (part-time job, internship, …)
  • You have a direct supervisor/manager at your current job who agrees to complete a short online questionnaire for research purposes.

What else do I need to know?

  • Appointments will be made individually and can be arranged at any time.
  • Please have a look at our website to get an overview of the project and to sign up!
  • If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via

We are looking forward to meeting you soon for an interview!

Best regards from Zurich

The Interview Training Team
Chair of Work and Organizational
Psychology University of Zurich
Binzmuehlestrasse 14/12
8050 Zurich

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